
Friday, January 25, 2013

Virtual 5k

Today we participated in a virtual 5k race.  It was in celebration of SlimKatie's 31st birthday, from  It was a beautiful day outside, but since it was only 10 degrees, we decided to pack up the kids and head to the community center to use their free walking/running track.  We've just been getting back into jogging the last two weeks, but this was a good challenge for me and Trav!  We were able to run about 2 miles, along with some walking mixed in for good measure ;)  Alaina is not at all interested in running, but she ran some laps with us, then walked some.  She also brought along a book to read on the bench, when she got tired out.  Matthew surprised us by doing most of the laps along with us!  He probably did a total of 2.5 miles, and of course, he told us he wasn't tired afterwards. Oh - to have the energy of a 6 year old again!

Here are our pictures afterwards, along with our fun race bibs (and Alaina with her book):

My stopwatch somehow shut off while we were running (I may or may not have hit a button while playing music on the same device), but I had looked at the clock before hand, and we finished in roughly 40 minutes.  Not too shabby, but that leaves plenty of room for improvement!


Now, in all honesty, I have to admit...I've been thinking about / meaning to / wanting to start a blog for quite some time now.  I signed up for a blogger account over a year ago, and haven't gotten to writing up my first post yet.  Every time I post a comment on someone else's blog, and it asks for my website, it reminds me that I don't have anything ready to share yet.  Well, as I was filling out my virtual 5k race info tonight, the last box says "if you have a blog, feel free to share the web address".  I might be jumping the gun, but I thought - why not get started now, and list my blog address (that has been sitting here quietly since August 2011).  For the last year or so, whenever something interesting happened, or we've done something exciting, or seen something annoying...I think "that would make a great blog post".  So, one of my goals for this year was to get it started.  I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm looking forward to it, and it will be nice to have a digital archive of memories! 


Tomorrow, Alaina starts a local theatre class, and she's a little nervous for it, but I'm very excited for her!  Ever since she was a toddler, she's been our little drama queen, and she enjoys entertaining people.  Yet, somehow, she is also shy.(?)  She was in dance class for four years, and never had any issues with being nervous, so hopefully her confidence will carry over from that.  She took a break after she decided she didn't want to be in dance anymore, but we thought it was time for her to try something new.  Hopefully this will be a good fit for her!

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